1. Getting started

Taking control of your beautiful new website starts with accessing its built-in content management system (CMS for short). And that process usually starts with an email from your website’s designer. 

It probably looks a bit like this:

The invitation to edit email
You should've received this email inviting you to your CMS.

When you click that button, you’ll be taken to your website’s CMS — which, at first, will look just like your new website. Except now, you should see a grey bar across the bottom, with a simple form.

The login screen for the Editor
To log into your CMS later, just enter the email and password you defined when you first created your account.

Then, just fill in the required fields to create your account, and log in.

Once you're logged in, the control panel sits at the bottom of your site
Once you're logged in, you'll see your website, but with a new bar along the bottom, where you can manage your pages and Collections.

Now, your content management system should look just like your website — except there’s a toolbar with two browser-like tabs labeled Pages and Collections, plus a series of icons. I'll explain all that below.

For now, take a moment to bookmark this page so you can easily return to it later. In most browsers, you can bookmark a page by holding Command/Control + B.

Otherwise, you can always return to your site’s content management system by simply typing the URL, then adding /?edit to the end. 

So if your website’s URL is yourwebsite.com, just go to yourwebsite.com/?edit to log in and start editing.

When you return to your site later, you may see a little pencil icon in the lower right, which you can click to hop into your CMS. Rest assured that only those with access to the CMS will see this icon!

With the basics out of the way, let's dig into the CMS itself.

What's a CMS?

In the world of web design, CMS stands for content management system, and as the name suggests, it's a system for managing the content of your website.

CMSs were invented for two reasons:

  1. To help "non-technical" people maintain their websites
  2. To help everyone publish new content within a consistent design, anytime

What your CMS can do

Your CMS allows you to edit most any existing content on your website, including text (or "copy"), images, buttons, links, etc.

It also allows you to create some new pages and blog posts through Collections.

What your CMS can't do

If you need a new page on your site that doesn't fit one of your Collections, contact me!